Friday, December 22, 2006

First Entry

This is our first entry into the world of blogging. I'm 30. Kent will turn 30 in February. It's about time we step into the 21st century as we're not getting any younger.
We started this page mostly because we have a little one coming into the world any time now.
We want to be able to post photos and stories and video easily.
Jill Herring Nachtman inspired us. Way to go, Jill!
She and her husband Matt are living in Zurich and we've been able to see all of their adventures through their awesome blog.
Wish us luck. Send us feedback. Leave comments. I hope all of you have a great 2007.
I know Kent and I are planning on it.


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas!

We will miss you at the family Christmas tomorrow. Hope you are feeling great and that Santa will be good to both of you. I'll try to show your folks this page.

Good luck on your count down. The miracle of the birth of your first child is a joy that is beyond compare.

Our love,
Sue & Max

Anonymous said...

It has taken me some time but I have finally checked out the webpage. I should do the same to tell about my great disappointments in fantasy endeavors, the loss of job, and the happiness that is divorce. LOL, no that would be no good. Anywho, good to see the page and I look forward to the newest Sorge pictures. Good Luck and Good Night.

Anonymous said...

And down the stretch they come!