Friday, December 22, 2006

Getting Ready for Baby

We're getting ready for our new baby. We're having a boy. Due date: January 12th.

This is the cradle Kent's dad Harvey made by hand. It is so beautiful and will be perfect for naps. We have it in our livingroom right now.

Kent thinks the baby will arrive on Jan. 7th. I do not have my hopes up. I'm thinking one week overdue. Wish us luck.


Anonymous said...

How exciting!! I love your new blog. It will be fun to keep up with the babies progress this way.

I think it is interesting that you were inspired by Jill's blog. Living in a foreign country and living with a new baby have a lot in common. Both things reguire communicationg with people who don't speak your language while trying to figuire out what the hell they want!!! Good luck. Love, Aunt Julie

Anonymous said...

Kent and April,
WE love the blog and will check it often. The cradle looks great...your dad did a great job Kent. Have a Happy New Year!!!!
Travis, Amy, Lindsay. and Jace Schauda