Saturday, May 17, 2008

Better Late than Never

Cale enjoys Easter with the Bunny that's more his size.

Cale gets dressed up in the Chicken costume. It was for maybe 5 minutes and that was 5 minutes longer than what Cale wanted.

Mom, please take this off of me. We spent Easter at Grandma and Grandpa's house. It was fun. I got candy and an Elmo DVD and some more toys and socks. Grammy and Granpy also got some peacocks that are fun to watch.

Mom and Dad got me this really cool Duckie chair. I love it so much that every morning I go and hug the duckie. I even know how to quack like a duck. I'm walking 5 or 6 steps at a time and then I crawl. I still love all pens, remotes and turning off and on the lights and TV.

1 comment:

Jill Nachtman said...

How cute is Cale in that chicken costume! Boy, he's really going to hate those pictures when he grows up. Handsome little squirt. Can't wait to get back there and see him walking :)