Sunday, October 14, 2007

Munich for Oktoberfest

Look at all of these people!! This large building is one of many large beer halls. The German beer companies pay millions of dollars to erect these huge halls that fit thousands of beer drinkers. In this picture are lots of tourists. Most Germans are wearing their durndls and lederhosen. Cale now has his own pair of lederhosen.

The Oktoberfest is part beer drinking, part state fair on steroids, and another part weirdness. This is the best example of weirdness. A whole display of gnomes.

Maybe it is the beer we drank, but we found this hysterical.

Here is a birds-eye view of just how many people are in the midway and how many different beer gardens there are. About 7 million people visit Oktoberfest in the 3 weeks it is on.

This is the famous bridge in Lucerne, Switzerland. Most of it was burned in a fire in 1993 after someone carelessly tossed a cigarette butt. The art inside of it was lost except for one or two panels.

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