Tuesday, May 15, 2007

New Things for the House

This is the result of our hardwork over the last weekend. We landscaped the left side of the house as you can see. We also potted 2 hibiscus trees. On the side we planted a very lively mandevilla that will brow up the side of the balcony. It will look fabulous. Feel free to tell us how great of a job we did on this landscaping.

Here is a close up view of it.

Another view. Thank you very much.

Check out the light fixture by the door. Kent changed all of them out. The old ones had been worn and ugly for 10 years.

In the middle of the landscaping project our dishwasher decided it was going to die. So we went out and got a new one. It matches the fridge, looks great and runs great.

3 Months Going on 4

This is Cale's 3 month picture. Isn't he cute? The hat actually fits his head. It's a 3-6 month outfit so you can imagine how big he's getting.

Cale is really good at grabbing at things. His rattle, his butterfly, his hippo, and his blankie are his favorites. He's starting to put everything in his mouth, as well.

Isn't he cute with his lambie?

Baby Wonder!

Leave us a comment. We'd love to know if anyone is stopping by.