Saturday, March 24, 2007

9 weeks old and ever so cute

Is he cuter when he's sleeping or when he's awake? This picture makes that a tough call.

He loves rooting for the Cyclones and for the Huskers. He fit into the ISU outfit first.

This is Cale's new favorite thing to do: put almost his whole fist into his mouth. He doesn't suck his thumb... he sucks in index finger. His hands are mesmerizing.

This is Cale's room. He loves getting his diaper changed here. We love the Diaper Champ that Chris and Marc gave to us. His room is really great and we think he loves it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just checkin' in that yes I am here and checking your blog! How weird that Cale sucks his index finger ... I did the same exact thing when I was just a wee little lass. I didn't think anyone else did. Darn, now I'm not unique. And LOVE the sleeping photo ... that's the CUTEST!!! It was great to see ya'll last weekend!

-Mary C. T.