Tuesday, January 16, 2007

We're Going for It

We're going in to get induced!

I'm now a week overdue (41 weeks, but who's counting) and just got back from the doctor's office.

We're scheduled to go in at 7am Wednesday, the 17th. We'll start a Pitocin drip. It could take hours... and most likely the doctor will have to break my water. I'm only dilated about 2 cm right now and having irregular contractions.

Pretty much sick of being pregnant and ready to have the baby arrive.

Wish us luck and hopefully we'll have some news tomorrow.

We'll post and send pics when we get them.

April and Kent

1 comment:

Jill Nachtman said...

Is that baby here yet or what??!?

:) Anxiously awaiting the news....

Love ya! Jill and Matt