Thursday, April 26, 2007

I'm 3 months old!

Don't you just love my Cornhuskers outfit! I'm growing up to be a big boy.

I just love chewing on both of my hands. I'm trying to say mama and dada but it just comes out as gurgle... ggg... ooooohh.

This is my Aunt Jill holding me in my Iowa State outfit. Don't tell Matt. He's a big Iowa fan. Jill secretly told me that she loves the Cyclones.

This is me and my Uncle Korey. He's very smart and lives in Florida. He came to visit me last weekend. I liked sitting on the couch and hanging out with my uncle. We went out to eat at a Japanese steakhouse. This crazy guy started lighting things on fire. Mommy had a cocktail. It was fun.

This is me smiling sooooo big for Daddy while I'm in my crib. It looks like I should have teeth but I don't have any teeth yet. I'm drinking about 6 ounces of formula every time I have a bottle and I really like it. I'm starting to sleep through the night and that makes mommy and daddy very happy.