Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Almost 6 weeks old

Just in time for Easter... what a cute (somewhat surprised) little bunny!

Cale started smiling at about 41/2 weeks old. He's approaching 6 weeks and just loves smiling at his mommy and daddy.

Cale and daddy stayed warm inside during an ice storm the weekend of Feb. 24th. Mommy had to go into work. KWQC lost power for about 4 hours that accumulated to about 1/2 inch thick. This is what it looked like on our deck. We had freezing rain for hours, then about 5 inches of snow, then rain. The rain helped melt the ice. We're now preparing for yet another storm to hit on the 28th.

The little monkey loves to sleep with his arms around his head.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Happy Valentime's (Anyone Watch "30 Rock"?"

Baby Cale just keeps getting cuter. Cale's lounging around after getting his diaper changed.

Does Calvin Klein need a baby model? He's got the serious look down.

Baby's 1st Valentine's Day. Grandma Joni & Grandpa Tom sent him these cute bears. The bears took an immediate liking to Cale.

Cale couldn't wait to open his Valentine's Day present. Mommy could never wait either. She let him open it up. I hope the socks on his hands for the last 3 weeks don't scar him for life. I just don't want him to scratch up his face.

Friday, February 2, 2007

Baby's Doing Great

We're working on this as an announcement. Mom's still fiddling with it.

Our naked little baby delivered by the stork. Okay, another attempt by mom to make a really cute announcement. It's amazing how much he's changed in just 2 weeks.

Daddy, I'm ready for my close up.

Little feet that are just sooooo cute.

We had another new arrival at the Sorge household. The Saab convertible has been traded in for an SUV. Cale's got a new car!!!